
.yarnrc files allow you to configure additional Yarn features. The config command may also be used to set these options. Yarn will merge .yarnrc files up the file tree.


yarn-offline-mirror "./packages-cache"

Maintain offline copies of your packages for more repeatable and reliable builds. Find more information here.

Value must be a relative file path, or false to disable the mirror (default).


yarn-offline-mirror-pruning true

Control automatic pruning of the offline mirror. Find more information here.

Value must be a boolean, defaults to false.


disable-self-update-check true

When installing packages, Yarn will provide upgrade instructions if you have an outdated CLI installation. You can disable this check here.

Value must be a boolean, defaults to false.


child-concurrency #number#

Controls the number of child processes run parallely to build node modules.

Setting this number to 1 will cause the node modules to be built sequentially which can avoid linker errors on windows with node-gyp.

CLI arguments

Setting --<command><flag> <value> in .yarnrc would be the same as running yarn <command> --<flag> <value>.


$> cat .yarnrc
--install.check-files true

Is the same running yarn install --check-files

Example 2:

$> cat .yarnrc
--cache-folder /tmp/yarn-cache/

$> yarn cache dir