yarn autoclean

Limpa e remove arquivos desnecessários das dependências do pacote.

yarn autoclean [-I/--init] [-F/--force]

The autoclean command frees up space by removing unnecessary files and folders from dependencies. Isso reduz o número de arquivos na pasta node_modules do seu projeto, isso é útil em um ambiente onde pacotes são checados no controle de versão diretamente.

Nota: Esse comando é considerado somente para casos avançados de uso. A menos que você esteja enfrentando problemas com a quantidade de arquivos que estão instalados na pasta node_modules não é recomendado o uso desse comando. It will permanently delete files in node_modules which could cause packages to stop working.

Autoclean functionality is disabled by default. To enable it, manually create a .yarnclean file, or run yarn autoclean --init to create the file with default entries. The .yarnclean file should be added to version control.

When the .yarnclean file exists in a package, autoclean functionality will be enabled. The clean will be performed:

  • After an install
  • After an add
  • If yarn autoclean --force is run

The clean is performed by reading each line of the .yarnclean file and using each as a glob pattern of files to delete.


-I/--init : Creates the .yarnclean file if it does not exist, and adds the default entries. This file should then be reviewed and edited to customize which files will be cleaned. If the file already exists, it will not be overwritten.

-F/--force : If a .yarnclean file exists, run the clean process. If the file does not exist, do nothing.


You decide all YAML and Markdown files in all your dependencies installed in node_modules can be safely deleted. You make a .yarnclean file containing:


You then run yarn install or yarn autoclean --force. The clean process will delete all *.yaml and *.md files within node_modules/ recursively (including nested transient dependencies).